Health & Light Institute

Cleansing Reactions
What to expect during dietary cleansing
by Dr. Stanley S. Bass, ND. DC. PHC


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To a lesser extent, the same process occurs when we abandon lower quality foods and replace them with better foods. Lower quality foods have undergone more preparation. Spices, salt and other ingredients have been added, and they tend to be more stimulating than less prepared and more natural foods. Animal foods such as meat, fowl, fish, etc. are more stimulating than cheese, nuts and vegetable proteins. Consequently, the withdrawal of stimulation which follows the abandonment of animal food produces a slower heart action—a resting phase that registers to the mind as relaxation or decrease in energy. This initial letdown lasts about ten days or slightly longer, and is followed by an increase in strength, a feeling of diminishing stress and greater well being.

Now, let us return to the symptoms that occur in the process of regeneration. The person who starts a better diet, stays on it for three days to a week and then quits, will say, “Oh! I felt better on the old diet—the new one makes me feel weak.” This person fails because he/she didn’t give his body a chance to adjust and complete its first phase of action recuperation. If the person had waited a while longer, he/she would have begun to feel better than before he started.

During this initial phase (lasting about ten days on the average, to several weeks in others), the vital energies that are usually in the periphery or external part of the body, such as the muscles and skin, begin to move the vital internal organs and start reconstruction. The shunting of much of the power to the internal region produces a feeling of less energy in the muscles, which the mind interprets as some weakness. Actually, power is increased, but most of it is being used for rebuilding the more important organs, and less of it is available for muscular work. Any weakness that is felt here is not true weakness, but merely a re-deploying of forces to the more important internal parts.

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