Health & Light Institute

Cleansing Reactions
What to expect during dietary cleansing
by Dr. Stanley S. Bass, ND. DC. PHC


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This persists for awhile, then is followed by the second phase - stabilization. Here, the weight remains more or less stable. During this phase, the amount of waste material being discarded daily is equal to the amount of tissue that is being formed and replaced by the newer, more vital foods. This occurs after the excess of obstructing material in the tissues has been removed.

This stage persists for awhile, and is then followed by a third phase—a build up period (called anabolism) wherein weight starts to go up, even though the diet is lower in calories than it was before. At this point, much or more of the interfering wastes have been discarded.

Returning to the symptoms that occur on a superior nutritional program—people who have had tendencies in the past to recurring skin rashes or eruptions will frequently tend to eliminate poisons and harmful drugs through the skin with new rashes or eruptions. If they go to a doctor now who is not familiar with this aspect of nutrition, he will diagnose it as an allergy. They ask, “How come I’m eating better than I ever did before, and instead I’m getting worse?” they don’t understand the are “retracing.” The skin is getting more alive and active. It’s throwing out more poisons more rapidly. Headaches may occur at the beginning, fever and/or colds may also appear, the skin may break out, there may be a short interval of bowel sluggishness, diarrhea, feelings of tiredness and weakness, disinclination to exercise, nervousness, irritability, negativity, mental depression, frequent urinations, etc.

However, the great majority of people find their reactions tolerable and are encouraged to bear with them. With some, colds that haven’t appeared for a long time may occur, or even fevers. THIS IS NATURE’S WAY OF HOUSE CLEANING. Understand that these actions are constructive, even though unpleasant at the moment. DON’T, but DON’T try to stop these symptoms by the use of certain drugs. These symptoms are part of a curing process, so don’t try to cure a cure. These are NOT deficiency problems or allergic manifestations.

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